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week of 7/28/24

“Kids Have Questions, Part 29” – Issues Etc

“Soulmate Marriage” – Issues Etc

"Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 12B. Confession & Satisfaction Part 2” - Concord Matters

“Increasing Childbirths” – Issues Etc

“Looking Forward to the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost” – Issues Etc

“The Puritan Movement, Ep. 5: Charles I Takes the Throne” – The Coffee Hour

“Responding to Dr. Gerald Kieschnick on the Decline of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod” – Issues Etc

“Staying Christian in College” – Issues Etc

“Your Unanswered Bible Questions” – Issues Etc 

week of 7/21/24

“Soulmate Marriage” – Issues Etc

“Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 12B. Confession & Satisfaction Part 1” - Concord Matters

“A Benediction Given by a Lutheran Pastor at the Republican National Convention” – Issues Etc

“The Liturgy and Discipleship” – Issues Etc

“Looking Forward to the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost” – Issues Etc

“Lutheranism vs. Lutherism” – Issues Etc

“Parents, Children and Smart Phones” – Issues Etc

“The Puritan Movement, Ep. 4: Calvinism, Arminianism, and the Religious Question in Parliament” – The Coffee Hour 

week of 7/14/24

“The 99th Anniversary of the Scopes Monkey Trial” – Issues Etc

“Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 12: Repentance #4” - Concord Matters

“Behold, Your Mother(s): the Top 10 Women in the Early Church" – Christian History Almanac

“The Film ‘Sound of Hope’” – Issues Etc

“Freedom of a Christian” – Thy Strong Word

“Journey through Christian History” – Concordia Publishing House

“Looking Forward to the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost” – Issues Etc

“The Puritan Movement, Ep. 3: King James and the Separatists” – The Coffee Hour

“Sanctified by Faith not Works” – Thinking Fellows Podcast

“When Worldly Advice Fails” – Concordia Publishing House Podcast 

week of 7/7/24

“Overcoming Life Sorrows Pt. 8: Who Overcomes?” – The Coffee Hour

“Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 12: Repentance #3” - Concord Matters

“Christian Wisdom in a Digital Age” – Issues Etc

“A Deeper Look at the Sabbath Commandment” – Issues Etc

“Do You Have Saving Faith?” – Thinking Fellows Podcast

"Justified by Christ” – Thinking Fellows Podcast

“Kids Have Questions, Part 28” – Issues Etc

“Looking Forward to the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost” – Issues Etc

"Lutheran Confessions in Daily Life” – Concordia Publishing House Podcast

“Lutheran Preaching, Part 1” – Issues Etc

“Lutheran Preaching, Part 2” – Issues Etc

“Movie: ‘A Quiet Place, Day One’” – Issues Etc

“Predestination” – Issues Etc

“The Role of Religion in America’s First Century” – Issues Etc

“Your Unanswered Bible Questions” – Issues Etc